neha bagepalli

mock 1 mock 2 mock 3 mock 4


An app created with a focus in assisting young adults with their finances through information on how to do so and tools to support them through the process.


October - December 2023

My Role

UI/UX Designer

Tools Used

Figma, Adobe Illustrator

The Problem

Teens and young adults lack access to financial literacy and therefore are not able to make educated financial decisions.

Target Audience

Focusing on teens and young adults between ages of 16-24 helped me best understand my target audience. After further research, I understood that my audience:

  1. Lacks direction in financial literacy and free resources
  2. Aims to avoid debt but lack information on how to do so

Research Results


57.1% of respondents received a form of financial education through their K-12 education but still 71.4% of the respondents do not feel confident managing their credit

graph 1

A majority of the survey respondents got their current knowledge about finances from their parents/family members or did their own research.

graph 2
Swot chart Swot chart

The SWOT Analysis drew attention that developing the app would create a combination of a free tool and educational resource that was unlike any other existing apps.

Problem Statement

How might we develop an app to help

teens and young adults access to financial literacy

to make educated financial decisions?


Task Flow

task flow

Wire Flows

Task 1: Onboarding

Consisted of a few simple steps including walking a user through their account creation process, as well as having the users connect their bank account information and credit card to make the app a useful tool for users

wire flow 1 wire flow 1
Task 2: Set up your Budgeting Profile

Leads users through steps that help them decide which categories fall in their needs, savings, and wants for their budget.

wire flow 2 wire flow 2

Color Schemes

By testing 3 different color schemes on my dashboard, I was able to decide the scheme that best suited my app.

Design Systems

Final Design Systems

I wanted to create a color scheme exclusive to my app which also had a visual appeal and effective color contrast.

design systems



Final Prototype

managey 1 managey 2 managey 3
managey 4 managey 5 managey 6
managey 7 managey 8 managey 9